
How much is mine?

The whole world, I screamed, is mine. After all, we are always told that you can conquer the whole world. If you will, you may please have it too. But, how much can I really have? Can I have a quantifiable number or measurement metric to explain? In the last few days; I've been striving to understand, " How Much is mine?" As in, really mine; which I lay claim on. Once I know what is mine: I shall ensure that I have a proper lock and key and not let it slip out of my hands ever.

As a nascent thought; I do not like this idea of claiming something as mine. I imagine a golden pathway to an unseen, unknown treasure. But, then even the street dogs imagine a lot. They imagine hearty meal, a shelter in the rain, a little pat on the head full with sympathy. Do they get it, ever? At least I haven't seen them get such, till date. In all probability I can also only dream of owning something or rather; even see something that could have been mine and still see it go away. That implies that nothing is mine. I have a feeling that the very sense of ownership is futile. Indeed we came with nothing on us and we go with absolutely nothing along (we've been hearing this since time immemorial). But such is our heart and mind that we unknowingly long for things. We crave for realistic, emotional, physical, mental, spiritual stimulation. We ask just about everyday; What is mine? And there is something lying in front of us; we ask-how much of it is mine? We look around to see if someone is looking at us and if we are in the company of none- we claim it all as ours.

I am an average guy with all the qualities that qualifies me just about average.
And hence; I had the thought: How much is mine in this world?
I surely think that all that glitters is gold.
And i am blinded by the shining light.
I dream each day and think; someday; I shall call it all mine.
Till then - Nothing really is mine. Till then - It's all in the mind.
I've my bags packed, for the day that gives me an extra dime.
Till then, I'm dreaming and the world thinks I am blind.
Till, I don't have it; I don't need the lock and key.
I am having my palms cupped and arms stretched to grab it.

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