
Being in the company of myself - Alone

In school I remember reading the famous poem by Tagore, which read: Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high. While that wonderful poem was written in the backdrop of the freedom struggle; I immediately stuck a cord with the first line. To me the whole poem was about being the master of my own mind, being fearless and having enough courage to keep my head high in all circumstances and adversities. The other day I heard this song based on the poem by Tagore again, which read:  Jodi Tor Daak Shune Keu Na Ase Tobe Ekla Chalo Re. Yet again this song piece stuck a cord and I inevitably was pulled towards the intrigue of the whole thought process behind this beautiful piece.What stood out was: Eklo Chalo Re; meaning Walk Alone!

While I walk alone in this world; I proclaim myself as own master. Being a master doesn't come easy; especially when you are constantly thwarted by hordes of cynics, ready to pull you down, prove you wrong and have perceived dichotomies regarding your whole viewpoint. I came alone in this world, didn't I? I shall go alone too, isn't it? I have often found myself gasping for breath in the race for singular survival and habitation. So what if I find myself wanting for an odd company every now and then; I still am going to walk the path alone.

Surely I was surrounded by people at the time of my birth with whom I had no connection barring those, forged by the societal definitions.The only connection I really had was with my mother, who nurtured me for 9 months in her womb. Apart from her; I was unknown to any relation, absolutely what so ever, in this world. Sometimes I am forced to think: even my mother walked alone in her pursuit of bringing me in this world. I thank thee, my mother, for bringing me in this world. Yet, I have to walk alone. I am beginning to feel pangs of loneliness right now and this feeling is certainly not a good one. How do I keep my head held high right now? How do i keep my mind uncluttered and fearless? How do I face challenges which poke me right in the face and tell me to back-off?

And just at this point of time I tell myself: If you bow down right now; you shall remain bowed till your funeral pyre. If I call upon that last reserve of resolve, steely grit, calmness and self-belief; I shall stand tall. The choice is mine. I don't have to scream or have to discuss it with multitude of people to decide which option should I stick to. I, after all, am my own master. And it doesn't take a lot of intelligence to decide that I should stick with the later option and stand tall.

Alas, in almost 99% of situations; I bow down. I bow down and yet I find myself walking alone, with my head dropped, and mind being afraid of the next moment. The very next moment; I might, yet again, have to chose among bowing down or standing tall. The desirable option is known to me and to everyone. The reality is apparently known too; I bow down and still walk alone.

Ekla Chalo Re!! I have my own meaning of this phrase - in this own unique way; I am own master ;)

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