
An evening sun drawn in red.

An evening sun drawn in red,

Just doesn’t seem to comfort

Just an ill fated hour in the summer,

For a moment I couldn’t hold forth.

Why, just why do we hate?

Nothing is mine, neither is yours

Explain to me the stakes.

Sometimes it seems like a surreal truth

Fuck I don’t like the gory lakes

I’m tired of questions and counters.

My children are so sweet

Their acts are so tender

They want a world of smiles

Definitely not full of splinters.

What wrong doing have they done?

It’s a just a little sometime they’ve been born

Grave is the last step from the cradle

If it is, so let it be me. Please let it be me.

A scared expression is glowing so dull

It’s scarred and not just plain scared

My parents want me back home every evening

My gal longs to see me after a hard days work.

This isn’t about religion or creed.

This isn’t about freedom and regression.

This is about each one of us.

It’s about living in peace and compassion.

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